Isabel and Alessandro gave talks at the Segundo Simposio Peruano de Herpetologia at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Isabel's talk entitled "Factores ambientales que determinan la abundancia relativa y riqueza de anfibios terrestres en el Parque Nacional del Manu, Cusco-Perú" explored the effects of abiotic and biotic variables associated with variation in frog species richness, abundance and biomass in the montane forests of the Amazonian slopes of the Andes. Alessandro gave a plenary talk on the first day of the symposium, "Dos décadas de investigaciones herpetológicas en los Andes Amazónicos", summarizing some of the taxonomic, ecological and conservation work that the lab has conducted over the years, with special emphasis on the current project monitoring disease transmission in terrestrial-breeding frogs in the cloud forests of Manu National Park. Both talks were given remotely.
Congratulations to Rachel for being awarded a Smithsonian Tropical Research Institution short term fellowship! Rachel is conducting behavioral and ecological studies at STRI in Panama for most of the year.
The lab contributed to the description and naming of a new species of high Andean terrestrial breeding frog, Phrynopus apumantarum. The study, led by collaborator Germán Chávez, appeared today in the journal Evolutionary Systematics. The new species (see holotype in the picture) is the southernmost species of the genus, which has 34 more species mostly distributed in central Peru. The epithet apumantarum derives from Quechua word apu (=mountain spirit), and from the name Mantaro which is the main river of the Valley where the new species was discovered. Citation: Chávez, G., L. A. Garcia-Ayachi, A. Catenazzi. 2023. A new species of frog (Terrarana, Strabomantidae, Phrynopus) from the Peruvian Andean grasslands. Evolutionary Systematics 7: 105-116.
Two lab members gave talks today at the Tinker Field Research Symposium at the Latin American and Caribbean Center at FIU. The Tinker Foundation supports travel and field research for many FIU graduate students. Rachel connected from STRI in Panma and presented her research on Recognition of chytrid scent by the strawberry poison frog. Jon presented gave his talk on Transmission of chytridiomycosis in terrestrial breeding frogs in Andean montane forests. |
December 2024
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